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Family Together

Children's Dentistry

Healthy teeth are essential to a healthy childhood they are needed for chewing, speaking clearly and having a bright smile. With a good preventative regime and the advances in dentistry, children today are more likely to grow up with good oral health with minimal intervention.

Our dentists use comprehensive diagnostic evaluation to assess existing oral and dental health.  From this we can tailor an oral health management programme to your child’s specific needs. 

Understanding the primary causes, signs and symptoms of disease and the importance of oral health is essential to ensure your child stays disease free.  Within your child’s programme we will explain the main disease processes, tooth decay and gum disease and its associated primary factors (diet and plaque).

If you can understand it, you can prevent it!  Dental disease is largely preventable by simple changes in behaviour.  During the programme we will complete a risk assessment, analysing your child’s diet (diet analysis), your child’s ability to clean their own teeth (plaque control) and their teeth for deep grooves or poor enamel protection.  If good oral and dietary habits are introduced at an early age your child is more likely to continue them throughout their life!

Demonstration and Teaching
Our goal is to ensure children can look after their own teeth.  We will show them how they are controlling plaque by using disclosing solutions and then help to ensure they can effectively remove it with tooth brushing and flossing.  With the use of an intra oral camera we can show your child any tooth or gum problems, so they are aware of their own dental health.

Minimal Intervention
We prefer minimal intervention, intervention to restoration, restoration to replacement!  With conventional methods, it is virtually impossible to detect early decay in the deep grooves of teeth (pits and fissures).  If not detected early, decay can easily spread to involve more of the tooth structure.  At the O clinic we use the DIAGNOdent, which is a small pain free laser, this will detect and measure early decay.  Once early decay is detected we can manage it with modern pain free intervention – Healozone, this applies ozone (a form of oxygen which is used to purify drinking water) directly onto a decayed tooth to kill harmful bacteria in seconds.

Growth and Development
The growth and development of your child’s teeth, jaw, face bones and smile are of vital importance to us.  We can provide orthopaedic and orthodontic treatment to ensure that your child’s smile is even more beautiful.

Regular re-care is necessary to monitor dental health, assess growth and development ensuring dental disease is identified at an early enough stage to prevent its progression.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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